Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Heart is Back in Whack!

Hi, Y'all...summer heat got the best of me as I was cleaning up my beloved eighteen wheeler for possible sale ...or to be put to work if I find a driver. Toying with the idea of re-opening my trucking company.  Healthwise, I may cannot make it happen.  Spent a few days in local hospital getting my heart back in whack last week.  Thanks be to God for modern meds...Betapace is my friend!

Thursday took delivery of my top of the line, four wheel WALKER. Having been declared "disabled and will never work again"...these words so got my goat that I have held that phrase at arm's length like you would "stink bait" for a trot-line. 

I need hip and back surgery plus an abdominal  hernia repaired....got it climbing on tankers and have worked with it like that for 3 years....torn rotator cuff  since about the same time which has almost repaired itself.  Cannot do any of those surgeries  until heart thing is squared away.

My trucking career has been reduced to sitting in a chair and looking at my truck in the driveway. I hate to give up the profession I loved so much.  The next book I am publishing is about a trucker who knows where all the good places to eat are to be found....and a good selection of fishing holes along the way.

Yep, I got a walker.  It is a fine one...hand brakes, a little seat across the middle and the nicest shade of deep purple you can imagine...and, hey: there is even a patch of  red reflective tape on the frame. I guess I can walk to town without fear of someone rear-ending my rear-end!

We got word Friday morning that John's Dad, age 94,  had a stroke and Crestpark Retirement Inn  got him to the hospital.  John was able to go be at his bedside and I am home with Gabe on call to get me to my doctor appointments.  Such depressing events...I had not even checked to see if my books are selling for fear of more depressing news..

Well, let me share what I found on my Reviews...this little lady, Loralu James Conville,  has reaffirmed that I must keep the faith....love all God's children and not sweat the small stuff that I think may hinder me.

She gave me a 5 star rating too...that pleased me so very much.  Word is that this review is part of what sells a book.  I need more reviews but so far I am blessed that these good reviews are written by exemplary people and their opinions are generous and kind. Thanks be to God for all the good people in my life in these crazy days of forced retirement from trucking.

Here is my latest review of  JAKE:

*****  (5 out of 5 stars!)
Shared Heartbreak, June 26, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Jake (Kindle Edition)
The heartbreak of the unthinkable ---our child being injured so drastically that we loose them-while their body is physically present with us--and the years of watching that body fade until they take their final leave from us. Marion, bears her soul--and gives the recount from a mother's eyes of her son, Jake and his injury and slow leave taking. We see more and more TBI, and know of those that live with the consequences daily as they caretake their loved one, but few are brave enough to share their story. A must read for those that are experiencing this in their life, but also for those that have lost a child, as well as those that are experiencing grief of any type. Read one mother's story of how she endured the heartbreak and what would sustain her during those long days. This is well written, insightful, and told with poignant truthfulness of the life altering and forever present tragedy of loosing a child--far too early.

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