Friday, April 12, 2013

Five Years Later...

The computer is in the same spot in my office...although I have been "Out of the Office" pounding up and down the nation's highways since 2008 after the last Blog entry instead of pounding the keyboard; it all comes back like not forgetting how to ride a bike.

What brings me back is that I have too much time on my hands...thank you Congestive Heart Failure and all the pressure that caused it to develope... I still have a lot to say...and will keep the blogs short this time...because I just don't feel the best these days.

More times a week, I glance in my mirror and see my grandmother staring back at me...I really need to put some color on this grey is not even pretty grey hair but looking like the coat of a possum to did I get so old and not remember how I got has been a busy few years...too busy.

One of my old classmates has long been touting the principle of stopping long enough to smell the roses...maybe I will now that I have this inconvenient heart issue...which frankly speaking also concerns of my favorite writers, Lewis Grizzard, died of it.

Writing is good is the beauty of all outdoors on a sunny day after the rains have washed away the pollen.

Will get my walker and go outside, observe and think how nice it is to be living in the homeplace of my youth. John has planted pretty pansies in every pot and the edge of the flower bed that runs the length of the 3 huge old plate-glass windows on the lake is 65 degrees and will drop to a low of 49....even little details such as temperature intrique me as I adjust from being on the run so many years.

Hope all my friends are safe and having a good day wherever you are.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Personal Geography By Marion McCann

Personal Geography By Marion McCann

No one ever says life is fair. Day to day life in this world is an ever-flowing stream....and then it stops and you die. In the meantime, seize the day! Make your choices and experience your losses but do not be a victim.  Misery is a choice.
                                                                                         --Marion McCann